Sorry it has taken so long, but here is the schedule!! Projects are at the store for you viewing pleasure (all except Nikki's, and mine is not finished yet, but there just the same, just know it will be more blingy!!!!)
ok here we go!
10-12 Penne's Card Class $15.00
12-12:30 Potluck Lunch, Ya Know, Family Reunion Style!!!! Bring your Favorite Dish!
12:30-2pm Cynde's Event Calendar Class $15.00
215-315pm Angelia's Paint Can Class $15.00
330-530pm Nikki's Book Class $20.00
5:30 til 6:30 Supper--Fried Chicken with all the fixin's! You know, stayin with the family reunion theme!!!! $6.00
It's all about family ya know!
Then we'll scrap/work on kits from 630 til 1000.